Shortly after Caesar’s assassination, Brutus gives Marc Antony
permission to speak at Caesar’s funeral.
Then, for a moment, Antony is left alone with the mutilated body. He speaks to the “bleeding piece of earth”—i.e.,
Caesar’s corpse. And he apologies for
appearing “meek and gentle with these butchers”—i.e., Caesar’s assassins. He then prophesizes bad times ahead:
fury and fierce civil strife
Shall cumber all the parts of Italy;
Blood and destruction shall be so in use
dreadful objects so familiar
mothers shall but smile when they behold
infants quarter'd with the hands of war[.]
Antony predicts that “Caesar's spirit” will come looking for
revenge, and Caesar will obtain it by “cry[ing] ‘Havoc,’ and let[ting] sip the
dogs of war.” [III.2]
Those watching a performance of Julius Caesar—when it debuted and now—would already know what was
going to happen soon after Antony says “let slip the dogs of war.” After the funeral, Antony would join up with the
young Octavius—at least for a time—and start a civil war to gain dominion over
Rome. Later still, Antony would join up with
Cleopatra to wage an even bigger war in pursuit of an even bigger empire over
which he hoped to rule. In other words,
when Antony speaks about Caesar’s ghost “letting slip the dogs of war,” he is
really admitting to what he intends
to do.
Did real rage about Caesar’s assassination cause Antony to contemplate
spearheading a civil war? Or did he harbor such ambitions all along and just
recognized that Caesar’s death could be used as a compelling rallying cry? Most likely, he felt genuine rage/loss/sorrow/disgust
about the death of his mentor but had also
long harbored ambitions that he too might one day rule an empire—thanks to
Caesar’s patronage or to his death.
Whatever Antony’s motives, he did not feel any compunction about using
war as a tool for political expediency.
What is fascinating about this little historical moment through
which we are living right now is that the person charged with crying “Havoc”
and letting slip the dogs of war does not seem to have his heart in it. Obama seems anything but comfortable about using “a
monarch’s voice” to promote “blood and destruction.” If he fully embraced the idea, he would never
have gone to Congress for a resolution—especially weeks after somebody’s red
line had supposedly been crossed. Meanwhile,
it is fascinating how this seems to be déjà vu all over again. Ten years ago, while 9/11 was still an open wound,
most Americans warmed to the dogs of war rather easily, embracing the idea of committing
“fell deeds” against Iraq, even though there was no coherent connection between
Saddam Hussein and the 9/11 attack and no compelling evidence that Iraq’s
leader was actually wielding weapons of mass destruction as there is with the
Assad regime now. But folks now seem cynical about
the war drums or wary of more senseless loss or eager to gain their own
political advantage by saying to those dogs “Down!” “Play dead!”
The realization that the dogs of war can lose their power to
whip people into a frenzy is also something that Antony—or Shakespeare—recognized.
He/they knew that war can become so
commonplace that mothers simply shrug it off with a smirk when “their infants [are]
quarter'd.” In the States, remaining
passive in the face of massive slaughter in faraway lands is hardly new. Consider our response to Hitler’s war against
the Jews from 1933 until Pearl Harbor (and really thereafter); we were still
struggling with war fatigue caused by WWI and just could not get ourselves
worked up about the many signs of widespread persecution in Europe. And more recently, we showed little interest
in how the Darfur region of Sudan became awash in blood and gore at about the
same time we started intermeddling in Iraq—conflicts that continue to this
From all this one might conclude that mass war hysteria and mass
war fatigue are both bad barometers for deciding when and how to
engage in the rest of the world’s “fierce civil strife."
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