Lawyers, however, know all about the elusive line between
what “seems” and what “is.” Or at least they should.
Lawyers spend their days trying to “seem” to know what they
are talking about. They need to “seem”
utterly confident to instill confidence in others—such as clients, opposing
counsel, co-counsel, judges, jurors. And
if they are good lawyers, they do their utmost to project the image of seeming
to know what they are talking about based on incredible preparation. But at the same time, if they are really smart,
they also recognize that they can never fully know what “is” when it comes to
the law. The law isn’t susceptible to that
state of being. The law is forever
changing; and the facts to which even seemingly settled law must be applied are
so infinitely variable that conflicting interpretations are always possible.
This is why the very best lawyers are like Socrates and
accept that they know nothing.
You may think that lawyers are supposed to be professional
know-it-alls. For lawyers seem to know all kinds of things. And in fact, lawyers tend to be relatively
well-educated. But they do not really go
to law school to amass knowledge in the form of information. And, alas, the traditional law school curriculum
does not permit students to gain much knowledge through practical experience. Instead, students come to know little more
than a process—an analytical way of probing seemingly intractable
problems. Knowing how to do that is
certainly not “nothing,” but it is not what must people think of as
knowledge-acquisition. And because of what
goes on in law school, most practicing lawyers agree that recent law grads know
nothing—at least they know nothing practical and, even worse, they may not even
know how little they know despite what “seems.”
I remember vividly during one of my first summer jobs as a
law student being struck by how little the seasoned trial lawyers for whom I
was working seemed to know. Why are they asking me to research whether a
company’s press release is admissible under the Federal Rules of Evidence? I thought.
Don’t they have all that stuff
down by now? It took me a while to
realize that lawyers could not possibly carry around a body of knowledge in
their heads to scan internally each time they were confronted with a new legal
issue. Sure, they certainly know that
the Federal Rules of Evidence exist and that those rules include stuff about
hearsay and exceptions thereto. But how
these rules have actually played out in trials where judges were required to
making admissibility determinations in the face of objections—these things do
not come up every day, especially since so few legal matters ever make it to
trial; and only a tiny fraction of cases that result in a final judgment ever
lead to appeals, let alone appeals involving the precise evidentiary issue that
you suddenly have to worry about right NOW. Besides, the variations with respect to how
any given legal rule might get applied in a particular venue, given the particular
human players involved, can change in an instant everything one thinks one
knows about how a certain matter should be resolved.
So lawyers really can’t expect to “know” much. They are supposed to seem to know, while
knowing that one can never really know.
Because whatever Hamlet may think, most of the time there is no is there
to know. And thus there are only “forms,
moods, shapes” to denote what is true, mere “actions that a man might play” to
serve a momentary purpose. [Hamlet, I.2]
Hamlet berates his Mama with the line quoted above after she has the audacity to suggest that he seems to be having a particularly hard time accepting his father’s death. Lawyers in Mayfair